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Course: Southwyck
Date: Every Wed
Time: Morning
Cost: LC-$31, Sr $26, $40reg
Dress: Any Pro-Duffers Combination
Mission Foundation-Bridge-Youth
The Houston, Texas Pro Duffers were installed by the Dallas, Texas Chapter of the Pro Duffers USA in 2003. After a round of golf at Lake Windcrest Golf Club in Houston, Sweeney and six of Dallas’s best Duffers shared in fellowship over lunch and officially installed the Houston Chapter as Pro Duffers.
The beginning of the Houston Chapter was two fold in that it was in the minds of two Houstonians simultaneously without either knowing of the other. Well, both were energized to begin a Houston Chapter because they both loved golf and had attended several outings with Pro Duffers. D. J. Blanton, owner of Blanco plumbing in Houston, an avid golfer, found plenty of time to golf and found himself attending tournaments and met Lee Jeffrey in Miami FL. Lee invited him to Little Rock. That began his quest to realize such an organization in Houston.
Chapter History
Well little did Anthony Reed know about D. J. Blanton, he never met or heard of him. He was in Dallas at a Pro-Duffer tournament and met the same recruiting officer from Little Rock. Anthony Reed, a young Lawyer in Houston has many golfing friends of whom he began to recruit. Among them were Jermaine Johnson, Bill Wyatt, Chris Toliver, and Cedric Rawls, all under forty years old who worked with him to recruit and organize the Houston Chapter. These guys were successful in that their number grew to eleven members and proceeded in applying for membership.
Without knowing about the younger group on the other side of town, weeks later D.J. Blanton, Dr. Robert Beatty, Elzie Thomas and Charlie Frazier, had also recruited eleven members and also applied for Chapter status. The answer through e-mail was, yes, “we already have acknowledged your application and your member list”.
There was one problem however, D.J. did not recognize any of the names on that list. What a coincidence, the number of players, the timing, the city, all the same. Well, the next meeting was a joy, as both groups were together for the first time and indeed was in fellowship. The combined group made up the charter members of the Houston Pro Duffers.
Since organizing, the Chapter has established a nonprofit (501C3) called Youth Achievement of Houston, and has worked at improving the status of youth as it pertains to Golf. The Chapter held it’s first Annual Tournament in June 2004. Still in it’s infancy, the Houston Chapter is determined to make golf a more enjoyable experience for it’s members and youth in our community
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